Initial Reaction to the Piece: This piece has a wow factor in its large size and the fact that there are two flanking the doorway. It also reminds me of the character Stich from Lelo and Stich the Disney movie. I also was intrigued by its foreign style. In art history we only study western art, so eastern art is really interesting.
Color: The piece is mainly a shade of teal. It is not a consistent teal, as the enamel varies in hue within the piece. It also has accents of red, white, yellow, gold lief, darker blue, and brown.
Color Attraction: Yes , I think that the colors attracted me to this piece. I enjoyed the fact that the lion was unnaturally blue. Western culture tries to represent creatures roughly with their natural color, but this figure embraces an unnatural blue tone as a “flesh” tone.
Time: It reminds me of spending time with my family watching Lelo and Stich. In this sense the intimidating sculpture of a lion and her cub becomes endearing, funny, and cute. It also reminds me of a metal chinese fish that my grandmother gave me when I was little. I fell in love with her Chinese fish and she ended up giving me one for my birthday because I was so infatuated.
Smell: The area does not smell like anything in particular. My experience of the piece is not affected by the smell.
Conversations: It was really interesting to eavesdrop on the people viewing the piece. Some talked about me drawing it, but most people commented on the sign in front of the statue that said “Adopt me.” It was amazing how the conversation and experience of this piece for these people was not the experience of the piece itself, but of what was in close proximity to the piece. This piece was not behind glass, and the one child had made it his duty to touch everything that was not in a case, and he informed me of his decision and then touched the statue. It seemed as if many of the people did not appreciate the art, they spent maybe five seconds and then moved on to the next piece.
Spatial Relation: These figures flank a doorway, so they appear important and draw attention towards them. They are in the path of travel to another room, so people always see them as they walk into the next room.
Scale: Pieces in this room range from two by three by two foot sculptures to tapestry’s that are approximately 50 by 30 feet, so the range of size is very broad, and the size of the sculpture is around a media size.